Australia news live: Turnbull says Dutton’s nuclear power policy will alienate voters; Queensland budget to bring cost-of-living help

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Turnbull sounds warning over nuclear energy plan

Daisy Dumas

Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has taken aim at Liberal leader Peter Dutton’s nuclear energy policy, warning that it may alienate those whose votes were lost in 2022.

He told the ABC on Monday evening:

The cheapest form of new generation is solar. Renewables are not more expensive and this is the problem Peter Dutton has because he is out there saying renewables are more expensive and they’re putting prices up.

A second term of Donald Trump in the White House would not be good for the climate globally, while Australia’s rejection of the 2030 climate targets under Dutton would be a “big negative” for investment into renewables, Turnbull said on 7.30.

We need to maintain that continued momentum. The curious thing from an election point of view is why Dutton is doing it.

Because, you know, nuclear power is not going to deliver cheaper electricity that’s perfectly clear, and is not going to deliver electricity any time soon. It will take decades to establish nuclear power plants and we don’t have an abundance of time.

And, so it seems to me and many other people in the Liberal party, that it’s an approach that’s going to further alienate the very people whose votes will last in 2022. And I don’t see how it’s going to assist Peter Dutton in winning government.


Martin Farrer

Martin Farrer

Good morning and welcome to our rolling news coverage. I’m Martin Farrer and I’ll be bringing you the top stories before my colleague Emily Wind comes along to take the controls.

Australia’s commitment to global climate goals is once again being questioned by the Coalition’s leadership and MPs. Former Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce and Morrison cabinet colleague Keith Pitt have called for the Coalition to abandon the Paris global climate change agreement and related emissions reduction targets, claiming politicians risked getting “voted out” by backing the targets. The prime minister Anthony Albanese has accused Peter Dutton of walking away from climate action.

And it’s not just the current prime minister. Malcolm Turnbull told the ABC’s 7.30 last night that Dutton’s advocacy of nuclear power risks alienating the same voters who deserted the Coalition in 2022 and allowed independents to steal normally traditional conservative inner-city seats. Turnbull, who was ousted from the Lodge in large part thanks to Dutton, said nuclear power was too expensive and he could not see how it would help the opposition win power. Business leaders, meanwhile, have urged the Coalition not to go back to the “climate wars”, according to today’s Fin Review.

Palestine’s footballers have tried to brush off controversy before their World Cup qualifier in Perth against the Socceroos tonight by downplaying reports that the president of their FA was denied entry to Australia because of “technical” visa issue. With emotions running high in Australia about the Israel-Gaza war, the team’s midfielder Mohammed Rashid said the players just wanted to “bring joy” to people back home. More coming up.

As the Queensland government presents its budget today, the focus is on cost-of-living help. But we have an exclusive story that the Miles government will also pour $56m into establishing a forensic examination service for victims of sexual violence in public hospitals across the state. It comes after the Guardian reported last October that an alleged teenage rape victim was made to wait three hours for care because her treating doctor had no training in the field. More coming up on the Queensland budget and what to look out for.

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