Trump to meet with Republican senators

Former President Donald Trump will meet with a group of Republican senators in Washington, D.C., this week, four sources with knowledge of the meeting told NBC News.

Trump will meet with the senators on Thursday after addressing the Business Roundtable, a lobbying group.

Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., told fellow GOP senators in an e-mail obtained by NBC News that he invited Trump to meet with Republican senators. “I believe it will be helpful to hear directly from President Trump about his plans for the summer and to also share our ideas for a strategic governing agenda in 2025,” wrote Barrasso, who is the No. 3 in Senate Republican leadership.

A senior Trump campaign official confirmed that this will be a policy event that will include “looking ahead at the policies that will save the nation such as Trump’s commitment to no impact on seniors with any cuts to Social Security or Medicare, policies that actually secure our borders and make our communities safe again, and an America first foreign policy that reclaims peace through strength and world leadership, and economic policies of lower taxes that reignite the vibrant trump economy we had just a few years ago.”

This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.

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