Acorn Cop Official Release Date Unveiled

Acorn Cop Is a Meme Game Based on a Real Incident

The video game studio Mini Fun Games is proud to announce the release date for its upcoming title Acorn Cop. The game will be coming out on PC, Linux, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Android, and iOS on 14 March 2024. It is inspired by a real-life incident that took place in Florida this year where a police officer mistook a falling acorn for a gun’s sound.

Moreover, there is a demo available on Steam for everyone to try out before its official launch.

Acorn Cop is a 2D first-person shooter that will test your reflex skills. You will step inside the shoes of a cop taking a shooting test. The main objective is to shoot down all the acorns and avoid any human or living thing in sight. It is like a combination of Fruit Ninja with a gun.

Some of the objects that you shoot can turn out to be very useful when destroyed. There are so many collectible items in the game as well. If you miss more than 2 acorns in the 20-minute duration, you will instantly lose. However, if you manage to accomplish it, you will pass the test.

Key features:

– 20-minute format: Do not miss more than 2 acorns and shoot any wrong target for 20 minutes to pass.

– Support items with unique effects: Such as slowing time, clearing all the acorns on the screen, and refilling ammos.

– Funny collectible items: They are optional items, but if you can destroy them, you will earn Steam achievements.

– Classical music: Shooting stuff up while hearing gunshots mixed with classical background music really “makes violence classy”.

– Boss fight: Because all games need boss fights.

– Full controller support: There is a full controller support in the game.


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