A Price Sliced Tsushima, Save $260 on a Monster Hunter Bundle, 50% Off Minecrafts, and More! – IGN

Welcome to a day of samurai, wanton assassination, and savings. Obviously, I'm more talking about a discount on the imminently releasing Ghost of Tsushima as opposed to the just revealed Assassin's Creed Shadows. Preorders are indeed open for that, but I'm the type to at least wait for some actual gameplay video before getting too excited. Because, let's be honest, Sucker Punch—and to a lesser extent, Team Ninja—have left some pretty big sandals to fill.

In retro news, I'm celebrating the 11th birthday of Deadly Premonition, a so-bad-it's-great cult hit. Basically, this was an incredibly low budget Japanese Twin Peaks with ropey visuals, controls, script, voice acting—you name it, they SMSed it in. All that being said, you really do owe it to yourself to take a (hopefully heavily discounted) drive to the weird city of Greenvale. If only to watch your FBI protagonist multi-task driving along a stormy road, smoking, perusing a case file on a laptop riding shotgun, and having a phone debate about the BDSM implications of Tom & Jerry cartoons. Gloriously, it all goes down[Silent]hill from there.

This Day in Gaming

Aussie birthdays for notable games.

Guilty Gear (PS) 2000. Sequel

Velocity (PSP) 2012.

Deadly Premonition (PS3) 2013. Get

Metro: Last Light (PC,PS3,X360) 2013. Get

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Adam Mathew is our Aussie deals wrangler. He plays practically everything, often on YouTube.

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