Madonna and Guy Ritchie’s son Rocco, 23, sparks debate as he sells old sofa online

Rocco Ritchie, the 23-year-old progeny of pop legend Madonna and acclaimed film director Guy Ritchie, embodies the quintessence of a life many can only dream of, being the sole biological offspring of the high-profile duo. 

With a combined parental fortune estimated in the billions, it’s a revelation to many that Rocco has taken to Instagram to sell an old brown sofa, a move that diverges sharply from the opulent lifestyle associated with his lineage.

Madonna, with a net worth of around £850 million, rose to iconic status in the 1980s, revolutionizing pop music and culture. 

Guy Ritchie, holding a fortune of £150 million, is revered for his dynamic storytelling in films like Snatch. Their marriage, spanning from 2000 to 2008, was one of the most talked-about unions in the entertainment sphere.

© Instagram
Rocco sells his old couch

The decision by Rocco to sell his belongings, starting with a studio couch announced via an Instagram Stories post reading “Selling studio couch. DM if interested,” portrays a side of him that leans towards frugality despite the luxurious lifestyle his background affords. 

Raised amidst the glamour of New York, Los Angeles, and London, Rocco has experienced the zenith of what celebrity heritage can offer, including elite education, globetrotting in first class, and access to high fashion.

Rocco Ritchie is seen on June 30, 2023 in New York, New York© MEGA
Rocco Ritchie is seen on June 30, 2023 in New York, New York

Currently based in London, Rocco’s upbringing was punctuated with global tours alongside his mother, giving him a front-row seat to the world of showbiz from a tender age. 

His familial ties extend to a diverse blend of half-siblings, from Lourdes Leon, Madonna’s daughter with actor Carlos Leon, to Rafael, Levi, and Rivka from Guy Ritchie’s marriage to model Jacqui Ainsley, alongside four adopted siblings, enriching Rocco’s life with a broad spectrum of relationships.

In a bid to carve his own niche, Rocco ventured into the art world, honing his skills at London’s prestigious Central Saint Martins college, followed by studies at the Royal Drawing School. Under the pseudonym Rhed, he has made strides in the art scene, co-founding the Maison Rhed gallery, a testament to his ambition and creative spirit.

Lourdes Leon and Rocco Ritchie join Madonna during her 65th birthday celebration© Instagram
Lourdes Leon and Rocco Ritchie join Madonna during her 65th birthday celebration

The journey of Madonna, as a mother and an artist, has not been devoid of challenges. Last year, she shared a harrowing experience with her fans, revealing a critical health scare involving lung and kidney failure, which saw her in the ICU with a breathing cannula. 

Addressing her audience in Paris at the Accor Arena, she disclosed her battle with a rare bacteria, emphasizing the profound bond with her children as her source of strength, “When I woke up I saw all my children around me and I thought this is what will save me. My children will save me. It’s not me who saved them.”

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