Prince Harry vows to continue mission to change press after settling phone-hacking lawsuit

Prince Harry has vowed to continue his mission to bring change to the British press after Mirror Group Newspapers agreed to pay substantial damages to settle his lawsuit over phone-hacking.

In December, the High Court ruled that Harry had been a victim of unlawful information gathering including phone-hacking by journalists on the Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror and Sunday People tabloids with the knowledge of their editors.

However, that judgement only considered 33 of 148 articles Harry had complained about, ruling in his favour over 15 of these.

His lawyer David Sherborne told the court on Friday MGN had now conceded the rest of his claim.

“Mirror Group Newspapers will pay the Duke of Sussex a substantial additional sum by way of damages,” Mr Sherborne said.

David Sherborne said Mirror Group Newspapers agreed to pay substantial damages.(Reuters: Toby Melville)

Prince Harry was originally awarded 140,600 British pounds ($272,173) after the judge agreed he had been unlawfully targeted by MGN journalists.

Prince Harry said he he would “continue to the very end” in his mission to bring change to the British press.

“Everything we said was happening at Mirror Group was in fact happening, and indeed far worse as the court ruled in its extremely damning judgement,” he said in a statement read out by Mr Sherborne.

“As I said back in December, our mission continues.

“I believe in the positive change it will bring for all of us.

“It is the very reason why I started this, and why I will continue to see it through to the end.”

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